2 May 2015

Allsorts Week 309 - April Showers Bring May Flowers

Hi All

This year is flying! Brenda is hsosting us with the theme:

******April Showers bring May Flowers******

I've made a card caddy and some notelets - i learnt how to do this on a workshop and have made a few variations

DigiStamp Boutique offers a wide range of digi images designed by Sally-Ann Hancock. My work means the world to me - it allows my passion to draw and create, to fit with my family life too - often the inspiration for my designs. Hope you enjoy as much as I enjoy creating.

Stix 2 is the home of all your adhesive needs and much more, a prize of basic essential but essential in our everyday crafting.


  1. I agree Tracy, where is the year going.

    Your card caddy is so pretty and what a lovely and useful present to receive.

    B x

  2. Such a cute and pretty caddy and note set.
    What a perfect gift for someone.
    Caroline xxx

  3. Lovely caddy Tracy and as Brenda says would make a lovely gift - great idea x Enjoy the rest of the weekend x Susan x


Thank you for leaving me a comment, each one is special. Tracy x